Kathryn began as an academic, earning an M.A. in Philosophy at Tufts University. She is also a PH.D. Candidate in Asian Philosophies and Cultures at the California Institute of Integral Studies and taught Philosophy, Religion, and Gender Studies at Eastern Washington University for two decades.

During her studies, Kathryn became a long-time student of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Goddess Archetypes with Acharya Shunya (2004) and Advaita Vedānta with Carol Whitfield and Dayananda Saraswati (2007). She studied directly with Dayananda Saraswati in Coimbatore, India, during the summers of 2008 and 2010. In 2023, Kathryn earned her 500 RYT with the School Yoga Institute in Costa Rica with beautiful yoga masters Mindi and Nadine. Now, Kathryn is a Yoga Teacher Training facilitator for the School Yoga Institute and recently completed John Newton’s Beginning and Advanced Ancestral Clearing Healing Trainings. She continues to evolve and grow as a student in her studies of Somatics through The Embody Lab and The Art Of Manifestation through Mindvalley.

Now Kathryn empowers individuals and communities to heal, transform, and love through URLOVE Mystic Philosophy™- a system infused with Ancient Wisdom from Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedanta, and Modern Healing Paradigms. Kathryn is especially inspired to share the teachings of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Vedānta as an integrated triple thread to reveal their shared vision-guiding students to manifest a life of ease, love, beauty, and grace.

URLOVE, Beautiful Being. OM TAT SAT, SO IT IS.


Past Interfaith Community Talks and Presentations:

Retreat Host, URLOVE Mystic Soul Retreat, Aves Resort, Costa Rica, April 2024

Guest Lecturer, World Religions Class, Sterling College, February 2024

13th Indological Conference Pujya Swami Dayananda Memorial Lectures, March 2023.

Faith Colloquium Podcast with Sheb Varquese, Disciplined Dialogue with Kathryn Julyan, March 2020.

Gonzaga and EWU “Classroom Dynamics in the Rise of Hate Movements”, February 13, 2020

EWU’s Student Activities, Interfaith Panel: January 2019.

EWU CALE Pecha Kucha, Advaita Vedānta and Women: May 11, 2018. 

EWU “A Conversation on Diversity,” Religious Oppression Panel: March 8th, 2016.

EWU Women’s and Gender Studies, Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research, “Women and the Teaching Tradition of Advaita Vedānta.May 4th, 2016.